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About Orest Zub, the site author

Hi, My name is Orest Zub. 
I was born and grew up in beautiful Western Ukrainian city Lviv.

Орест-Зуб1I started learning English at the age of 6 by visiting numerous internatinal language camps. After graduating from seconadry school I entered Lviv National University to study law. Within five years of studying in law school I visited vast number of international academic and cultural events. Within studying I also managed to work part time in two British ventures related to real estate and tourism here in Lviv.

Afterwards I left Ukraine to obtain REAL international experience abroad.

By the age of 24 I’ve visited more than 35 countries on a globe and temporary lived in Poland, Croatia and India. It was a result of my numerous legal internships after graduation from Law School.

Then I came back to Ukraine in order to work in Ombutsman Human Rights protection office. However things didn’t go so smoth there as Ukrainian bureucratic system really sucks and I’m not kind of person who’d like to waste my life within governmental walls together with Soviet minded grannies and grandpas 🙁

The situation was crucial. I knew that if I don’t change anything I’ll end up every Friday in the bar and my lifetime trip will be hiking in park nearby.

But where to start?

I started to read a lot of self-development literature, listen to podcasts and constantly search for an opportunity to grow personally and professionaly.

One day my good friend Oleksander, whith whom I lived and travelled together in India for almost a half of a year, forwarded me a link to a great article “10 Reasons You Should Never Get a Job” by Steve Pavlina.

And you know what? It was the beginning. It was the beginning of my lifelong journey to absolute freedom, self-satisfaction, confidence, ability to take challenges, be responsible for my actions and help other people to get what they really wanted but were afraid to try…

Immmediately I started to suck in massive amounts of useful information from Steve and found his reccommendation about Site Buit It

Site Buit It is great on-line platform which allows people without technical skills built their own web-sites. Moreover, there is structured step by step course aiming to help every newby become an on-line expert.

And the most important! Site Buit It focuses on main. It shows you how to monetize your knowledge on-line. SiteSell take care of all the technical aspects and you just focus on content of your on-line business.

F**k yeah!!! It was right what I was looking for. I always wanted to create my own travel web-page but just didn’t know how to. I even visited some web-design and SEO courses but didn’t go much further.

Site Buit It gave this chance to apply my knowledge which I gained from working in travel industry and put it on-line. So, I subscribed and started to write, write and write.

On the first weeks things went pretty tough. It was absolutely new for me. In the same timie I was workin in Ombudsman office. But after the first breakthrough and when traffic started to grow; When visitors started to leave feedbacks and share some results of my work on-line…

Oh! There was no limit of my happiness 😀

I knew exactly what am I going to do next. So, I quit my Ombudsman job and started to work hard only on my site. On the fourth month of existence started to bring me passive income. My traffic from search engines is doubling every month. Where do you think it will bring me if I continue to do the same? 🙂

But this is not the end of the story, my friends.

Being so inspired about Site Buit It and my own experience I started one more site soon after launching
It is self-help blog for my Ukrainian colleagues. I share my travel stories and write a bit of motivational philosophy to show that dreams come true. I also conduct on-line trainings on such topics as time management, self-motivation, result achieving etc.

Shivesh96_SmileIsn’t is great, my friend?

I do what I love.

I help people.

I own two sites which bring me income.

I travel when and where I want.

And the most important.


Everything is possibe if you really want it.

So why wait? Go for it NOW and get it.
For me everything started from SiteSell. This can be your first step too.

You’ll remember my words in a few months and will tell:
“Thank you. Orest!”.
The same I thank to Steve Pavlina who showed me this great service.

Good luck, my friend.
You can, You can!!!!!

Also feel free to add me on Facebook or Twitter 😉

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